
2 min readDec 31, 2020

The year 2020 has left an indelible mark in the pages of history. This century is facing an unprecedented shock from the outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The novel coronavirus had casted its silhouette at every nook and corner of the world. Nevertheless, we have successfully sailed through two decades of the 21st century and it is worth contemplating the transition and transformation of humanity in this time frame.

With the onset of 21st century, the world expeditiously saw a significant leap in technological advancement. It is evident across a multitude of sectors including manufacturing, transport, banking, healthcare, governance, education & research, etc. Apart from enhanced space explorations and increased access to affordable technology, what this century newly witnessed is the advent of automation and AI.

The Time factor

One ubiquitous concern of people, ipso facto their changing lifestyle, is the paucity of time. Humans are so obsessed about saving time in almost every aspect of their lives. They always want to get things done quickly, with the sole exception of entertainment. It is this factor which not only compelled us to choose machines over men, but also paved way for new innovations which are now trending across the globe. It is obvious that people have become accustomed to travel in an online-booked cab having home-delivered food to catch an online reserved bus booked using digital payment!

Social Media

Another major invention, which gave new wings to freedom of expression, is social media. It has garnered a huge response from people with a paroxysm to stay connected with each other and share their views. It has now emerged as the prime form of entertainment.

The flip side

It is palpable that human lives have transformed at a rapid pace in this couple of decades. With new inventions, came new problems. The fear of a nuclear war, climate change, unemployment, data privacy, biotechnology, the ethical questions of gene editing, inequality and digital divide; all pose a new challenge. Change is inevitable. It is no surprise that in the next few years, many jobs would be done by robots. Rejecting technology would be self-devastating and yes, modern problems need modern solutions.

World after 2020

With the outbreak of a pandemic, the second decade had a dismal ending with virus induced deaths, unemployment, xenophobia, and countries in the globalized world heading towards protectionism. But this situation may not last long. World leaders have recognized the necessity to collaborate with each other to fight the virus and develop a vaccine. As newer technologies keep emerging, it is necessary that nations share their ideas and help each other. The global market chain may also get back on track with renewed energy.

As we draw the curtains of 2020 closer, we shouldn’t forget the lessons it taught us-vigilance, perseverance and hope. And as we cross the landmark of completing a fifth of the century, leaders around the globe mustn’t remain complacent and should encourage new endeavors of innovation.

Happy New Year:)


